Greenpeace is being sued for $300 million by Big Oil. Take action to help stop it!

Energy Transfer, the Big Oil company behind the Dakota Access Pipeline, claims that Greenpeace USA and Greenpeace International organized the 2016-2017 Standing Rock resistance. This is a false and racist attempt to erase Indigenous leadership from this historic protest.

The trial begins in February 2025. If we lose, Greenpeace USA could face financial ruin, ending over 50 years of environmental activism. But this is bigger than just us…

Energy Transfer’s lawsuit threatens our fundamental rights to organize and protest. A win for them sets a dangerous precedent – allowing more attacks on unions, activists, and journalists – and silencing our speech through intimidation.

If enough of us speak out, we can stop this abusive lawsuit, protect Greenpeace, and defend free speech. Sign our open letter calling on Energy Transfer to drop the lawsuit, then share it far and wide.